To add your local or distance Reiki healing, training, classes, or Reiki certification to the 2023 Reiki Directory, please provide a one-time Paypal payment of $49.99 for ‘Reiki Directory (Lifetime Listing)’, by clicking the button below.
Once payment is sent, please fill out the following form. In the “message” section below, please provide complete answers to the following bullet-point sections:
- name of your local or distance Reiki healing, training, classes, or Reiki certification
- link to your website or social media page
- an originally written description of your Reiki services (in a detailed, third-person, non-sales tone … check the format of any listing in the directory as an example)
- the state, city and address of the location of your Reiki services (if available)
Additionally, you may contact us with any questions, feedback, or for assistance locating a Reiki healing, training, classes, or Reiki certification nearby.